- ☎️ +48 71 320 2899
- 🏙️ 50-372 Wrocław, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
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- New anti-friction self-lubricating composite based on EP975 nickel alloy powder with CaF2 solid lubricant – Thermal and dilatometric behavior
- Wykorzystanie uczenia maszynowego do predykcji ścieżki pękania w próbkach CTS w złożonym stanie obciążenia
- A methodology to evaluate seawater corrosion on quasi-static tensile properties of a structural steel
- Advanced crystalline materials, mechanical properties and innovative production systems
- Air blast resistance of ARMOX 500T Steel plates with standard thickness: Experimental and numerical consideration
- Biaxial stress state in very high cycle fatigue of S690 structural steel
- Effect of seawater corrosion on the mechanical behaviour of S690 steel
- Experimental and numerical investigation on fatigue behavior of PUR (rigid polyurethane) elastomers 90ShA used in automotive engineering
- Experimental characterization and modeling of cylindrical CFRP structures under quasi-static multiaxial loading conditions
- Experimental investigation of fracture mechanism in organically modified silica-based coating applied on austenitic stainless steel AISI 904L under monotonic and very high cycle fatigue loading
- Fatigue crack growth rate under mixed-mode loading conditions (I+III) of a carbide-free bainitic steel designed for rail applications
- Fatigue crack propagation of 51CrV4 steels for leaf spring suspensions of railway freight wagons
- Important aspects of fiber metal laminates modelling and experimental tests
- Mechanism failure analysis of unidirectional hybrid pultruded rebars under static and fatigue loading condition using acoustic emission
- Numerical determination of the load-bearing capacity of a perforated thin-walled beam in a structural system with a steel grating
- Pękanie interfejsu w laminatach metalowo-włóknistych: modelowanie numeryczne, emisja akustyczna i uczenie maszynowe
- Prediction of the fatigue lifetime of PUR structural elements using a combined experimental-numerical approach
- Problematyka eksploatacji zabytkowych stali mostowych z punktu widzenia mechaniki pękania
- Relation between striations spacing and fatigue crack growth rates for additive manufactured inconel 625
- Ściskanie osiowe rur kompozytowych – modelowanie i badania z emisją akustyczną
- Strain energy density parameters as a crack driving force in fatigue crack growth rate analysis
- The Smith-Watson-Topper parameter and fracture surface topography relationship for additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel subjected to uniaxial variable-amplitude loading
- A numerical approach to bond behavior of GFRP bars with concrete
- A predictive methodology for temperature, heat generation and transfer in gigacycle fatigue testing
- A review on finite‑element simulation of fibre metal laminates
- Acoustic emission with machine learning in fracture of composites: preliminary study
- Analysis of selected advance damage models for fatigue accumulation in S690 and S960
- Analytical predictions of bond behavior of FRP bars with concrete
- Application of taguchi methods (DOE) in composite engineering
- Badania ciśnieniowe inteligentnego zbiornika kompozytowego z uchylną dennicą
- Badania ciśnieniowe średnioskalowych zbiorników kompozytowych z uchylną dennicą
- Badania eksperymentalne wzrostu pęknięć zmęczeniowych stali bainitycznej
- Badanie porównawcze przyczepności betonu do wybranych prętów kompozytowych metodą pull-out
- Bainitic rails intended for highly-loaded tracks – the nature of fatigue cracking mechanisms in mixed mode loading conditions
- Bond behavior of hybrid helically wrapped FRP bars with concrete
- Combined experimental–numerical mode I fracture characterization of the pultruded composite bars
- Comparative study of FCGR in additively manufactured materials – IN625 and IN718
- Comparison of fatigue crack propagation rates in high strength steel S460, S690 and S960 under stress ratio R = 0.1
- Direct energy deposition parametric simulation investigation in gear repair applications
- Doświadczalna analiza rozwiązań oplotu dennic kompozytowych zbiorników ciśnieniowych
- Editorial: High-performance applications of metals and alloys: material properties, behaviour modeling, optimal design and advanced processes
- Effect of austempering temperature on microstructure and cyclic deformation behaviour of multiphase low-carbon steel
- Effect of pre-strain on fatigue crack growth rate for P355NL1 steel
- Experimental analysis of braiding solutions for domes of composite pressure vessels
- Fatigue and fracture properties of rigid PUR elastomers
- Fatigue behavior of CFRP thin-walled tubes: an experimental study with damage analysis based on the acoustic signals
- Fatigue behavior of composite rebars for concrete reinforcement based on experimental studies
- Fatigue crack growth characterization of Inconel 718 after additive manufacturing by laser powder bed fusion and heat treatment
- Fatigue crack propagation in structural steel S460 and S690 under stress ratio R = 0.1
- Fatigue fracture characterization of AlSi7Mg0.6
- Fatigue lifetime analysis of polyurethane components
- Flexural behavior of concrete structures reinforced with hybrid FRP bars
- Fracture mechanics and fatigue damage of materials and structures
- Frequency effect in fatigue behaviour of a structural steel and a spring steel
- Generalized strain energy density-based fatigue indicator parameter
- Identification of degradation in composite materials using machine learning algorithms and acoustic emission
- Influence of CFRP patches on fatigue crack growth rate in old bridge steel
- Influence of micro-structure of selected components made from AISI 304 on the mechanical properties
- Investigation of flexural behaviour of composite rebars for concrete reinforcement with experimental, numerical and machine learning approaches
- Load path sensitivity and multiaxial fatigue life prediction of metals under non-proportional loadings
- Metoda hamowania rozwoju pęknięć zmęczeniowych w zabytkowych stalach mostowych z wykorzystaniem taśm kompozytowych CFRP
- Metody oceny wad kompozytowych elementów zbiornika wytwarzanych różnymi technikami
- Możliwości identyfikacji zjawisk degradacyjnych w kompozytach z użyciem technik uczenia maszynowego i emisji akustycznej
- Multiaxial fatigue of CFRP thin-walled tube - experimental and numerical analysis
- Notch effect in very high-cycle fatigue behaviour of a structural steel
- Numeryczna i eksperymentalna analiza połączenia betonu i pręta kompozytowego w teście pull-out
- Pressure testing of an intelligent composite tank with a large opening
- Probabilistic fatigue life modelling based on CMB and SWT criteria of a wind turbine wedge connection
- Przygotowanie modelu uczenia maszynowego bazując na emisji akustycznej do identyfikacji przyczyn degradacji kompozytów
- Roughness evaluation of turned composite surfaces by analysis of the shape of Autocorrelation Function
- Special issue \"\"Fracture mechanics and fatigue damage of materials and structures\"\" :
- Stress relaxation behaviour modeling in rigid polyurethane (PU) elastomeric materials
- The role of microstructure morphology on fracture mechanisms of continuously cooled bainitic steel designed for rails application
- Wpływ medium retardacyjnego na przebieg procesu propagacji pękania metalowych elementów wytwarzanych metodami przyrostowymi
- Analysis of the deceleration methods of fatigue crack growth rates under mode I loading type in pearlitic rail steel
- Assessment of suitability of post-production waste composite tanks for the soil of ornamental plants
- Badania ciśnieniowe zbiorników kompozytowych z wykorzystaniem techniki światłowodowej i emisji akustycznej
- Constitutive law identification and fatigue characterization of rigid PUR elastomers 80 ShA and 90 ShA
- Constitutive law identification of PUR components using hybrid experimental-numerical approach
- Damage evolution in pultruded composite bars using acoustice emission
- Determination of fracture energy (mode I) in the inverse fiber metal laminates using experimental–numerical approach
- Development of an experimental verification of the braid of a composite tank with longitudinal tensions
- Effect of specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in paris region in AISI 304 STEEL
- Effect of the special technological environment on fatigue crack growth in ferrite-pearlite steels
- Experimental and numerical investigation of pull-out behavior of single basalt – fiber
- Experimental quasi-static mechanical characterization of the thin-walled cylindrical CFRP structures
- Experimental-numerical analysis of radial compression test of CFRP/GFRP composite rebars
- Fatigue and fracture of materials and structures : contributions from ICMFM XX and KKMP2021
- Fatigue characterization of polyurethane elastomers
- Fatigue crack growth characterization of additively manufactured IN625 and IN718 alloys
- Fatigue crack growth modelling by means of the strain energy density-based Huffman model considering the residual stress effect
- Fatigue crack growth modelling for S355 structural steel considering plasticity-induced crack-closure by means of UniGrow model
- Fatigue crack growth under mixed-mode I + II and I + III in heat treated 42CrMo4 steel
- Flexural analysis of GFRP/BFRP composite hybrid bars
- Flexural and compressive residual strength of composite bars subjected to harsh environments
- Forma aktywna do pultruzji.
- Fracture behaviour of the notched pur rigid polyurethane components - uniaxial vs. multiaxial loading
- From hydrophore to hydrogen, diagnostics and tests of composite pressure vessels
- Mechanical and corrosion performance of composite rebars subjected to a corrosive condition
- Mechanical performance assessment of composite bars
- Mechanical performance of structural rebars subjected to several mechanical tests
- Numerical analysis of the new design of CFRP/GFRP composite rebars subjected to bending loading
- Ocena struktury materiału kompozytowego zbiornika z uchylną dennicą
- Przewidywanie trwałości zmęczeniowej komponentów poliuretanowych w motoryzacji
- Review of the mode I and mode II fracture behaviour of hybrid composite materials for composite rebars
- Structural integrity and fatigue failure analysis : experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches
- Struktura ścianki kompozytowego zbiornika z uchylną dennicą
- The effect of a flame retardant on a mode I fracture toughness of epoxy resin
- The effect of flame retardant—aluminum trihydroxide on mixed mode I/II fracture toughness of epoxy resin
- The energy approach to fatigue crack growth of S355 steel welded specimens subjected to bending
- The mechanical investigation of filament-wound composite cylinders subjected to axial compression
- Very high cycle fatigue behaviour of S690 structural steel
- Wykrywanie wad struktury zbiorników kompozytowych za pomocą wielkich częstotliwości
- A review of approaches for fatigue life assessment in composite materials
- Analiza mechanizmów wzrostu pęknięcia zmęczeniowego w stali bainitycznej do zastosowań w obszarze infrastruktury kolejowej
- Analysis of the deceleration methods of fatigue crack growth rates under mode I loading type in pearlitic rail steel
- Application and discussion of various crack closure models to predict fatigue crack growth in 6061-T651 aluminium alloy
- Comparison of fatigue crack growth rate: pearlitic rail versus bainitic rail
- Comparison of high- and low-frequency fatigue properties of structural steels S355J0 and S355J2
- Crack growth rate deceleration effect in constructional steel caused by artificial crack closure effect (ACCE)
- Deceleration of fatigue crack growth rate in metals using various techniques – comparative analysis
- Degradation theory of long term operated materials and structures
- Effects of specimen thickness on fatigue crack growth resistance in Paris region in AISI 304
- Eksperymentalna i numeryczna analiza delaminacji kompozytu metalowo-włóknistego
- Evaluation of microstructural complex geometry of robot laser hardened materials through a genetic programming model
- Evaluation of multiaxial high-cycle fatigue criteria under proportional loading for s355 steel
- Experimental and numerical study of fatigue crack growth and crack closure phenomenon in constructional steel under mixed-mode loading conditions
- Fatigue and damage tolerance assessment of induction hardened S38C axles under different foreign objects
- Fatigue assessment of EA4T railway axles under artificial surface damage
- Fatigue behaviour of thin-walled cold roll-formed steel sections
- Fatigue crack growth under mixed-mode I + II in heat treated 42CRMO4 steel
- Fatigue performance prediction of S235 base steel plates in the riveted connections
- Fatigue strength assessment of riveted details in railway metallic bridges
- Flexural pseudo-ductility effect in hybrid GFRP/CFRP bars under static loading conditions
- Flexural strengthening of composite pultruded bars by means of additional filament-wound composite overwrap
- Fracture behaviour of engineering stone material
- Global-local fatigue approaches for snug-tight and preloaded hot-dip galvanized steel bolted joints
- Impact of the hardness on the selected mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane elastomers commonly used in suspension systems
- Influence of built orientation on fatigue crack growth rate in additively manufactured inconel 718 alloy
- Interlaminar fracture toughness determination in an inverse FML material under mode I loading condition
- Low-cycle fatigue modelling supported by strain energy density-based Huffman model considering the variability of dislocation density
- Materiał kompozytowy przeciwcierny na bazie miedzi
- Mean stress effect and fatigue crack growth rate description in aluminium alloys 1100 AND 1050
- Microstructural analysis and radial compression behaviour of GFRP/CFRP composite bars
- On the relationship between modification of Bi2O3 by Sb and type of grain boundaries in ZnO-based varistors
- Rheological relaxation of OSB beams reinforced with CFRP composites
- Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny.
- Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny.
- Rozdzielacz hydrauliczny.
- Rozwój pęknięcia zmęczeniowego w modyfikowanej cieplnie stali 42CRMO4 w złożonym stanie naprężeń (I+II)
- Static and flexural fatigue behavior of GFRP pultruded rebars
- Study of degradation mechanisms in composite materials used for concrete reinforcement
- The mechanical investigation of filament-wound CFRP structures subjected to different cooling rates in terms of compressive loading and residual stresses—an experimental approach
- A new method for complexity determination by using fractals and its applications in material surface characteristics
- A study of the fatigue failure mechanism in steel and composite rebars
- Analiza przyczyn uszkodzenia elementu typu push rod dla firmy Wabco Polska Sp. z. o. o
- Analysis of fatigue crack growth under mixed mode (I + II) loading conditions in rail steel using CTS specimen
- Crack closure effects on fatigue crack propagation under constant amplitude loading for the 6061-T651 aluminium
- Degradation of the long-term operated metallic bridge materials and its rehabilitation using composite structures
- Early evidences on the rotating bending fatigue :properties of ductile and vermicular cast irons
- Editorial :
- Effect of hydrogen on interfacial strength of hybrid composite materials
- Energy models in fatigue crack growth rate description in terms of mean stress effect avoidance under mode I and mixed-mode (I+II, I+III) loading condition
- Fatigue behavior of cold roll-formed rail profiles for rack structures
- Fatigue behavior of cold-formed Z-rails for rack structures
- Fatigue behaviour of bolted joints for rack structures
- Fatigue crack growth modelling of Fão Bridge puddle iron under variable amplitude loading
- Fatigue failure assessment of S355J2G1W structural steel under biaxial in- and out of phase loading regarding geometrical constraints of samples
- Global-local fatigue life assessment based on hot spot stress and elastoplastic local strains methodologies: comparative study
- Influence of reinforcement type on the flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete beams
- Minimal invasive diagnostic capabilities and effectiveness of CFRP-patches repairs in long-term operated metals
- Mixed mode (I+II) fatigue crack growth and crack closure effect in 42CrMo4 steel under different heat treatment conditions
- Multiaxial fatigue assessment of S355 steel in the high-cycle region by using Susmel’s criterion
- Probabilistic analysis applied to multiaxial fatigue criteria for the S355 steel
- Seismic hydro-dynamic analysis of pipes with internal and external fluid under nanoparticles as reinforcement phase
- Study of the fatigue crack growth in long-term operated mild steel under mixed-mode (I + II, I + III) loading conditions
- The influence of heat treatment on the behavior of fatigue crack growth in welded joints made of S355 under bending loading
- Valutare il degrado delle antiche strutture in metallo
- A comparison between S-N Logistic and Kohout-Věchet formulations applied to the fatigue data of old metallic bridges materials
- A perspective on fatigue performance of rail profiles under shuttle loads
- Application of a new, energy-based ΔS* crack driving force for fatigue crack growth rate description
- Assessment of the risk of fatigue damage in biaxial stress state
- Crack propagation under cyclic bending in welded specimens after heat treatment
- Dynamika układów mechanicznych w zadaniach technicznych.
- Evaluation of biaxial (axial+torsional) high-cycle fatigue behaviour of S355 structural steel
- Fatigue behavior of bolted connections applied in racking structures :experimental and numerical study
- Fatigue behaviour of bolted connections applied in racking structures : experimental perspective
- Fatigue behaviour of bolted connections applied in racking structures :Experimental and numerical study
- Fatigue crack growth in long term operated bridge metallic materials and strengthening solutions
- Fatigue crack growth in welded S355 specimens subjected to combined loading
- Fatigue crack growth rate in long term operated 19th century puddle iron
- Fatigue crack growth rate of the long term operated puddle iron from the Eiffel bridge
- Fatigue damage analysis of offshore structures using hot- spot stress and notch strain approaches
- Fatigue lifetime prediction of cracked components using FM-TOOL/FM-PIPE software
- Fatigue resistance curves for single and double shear riveted joints from old portuguese metallic bridges
- Fatigue tests of materials with the controlled energy parameter amplitude
- Fractography study of the mixed mode fatigue crack growth process in pressure vessel P355NL1 steel
- Fracture analysis of rigid PUR elastomers commonly used in suspension system
- Impact damage identification in high-pressure composite vessels using the modal analysis
- Influence of fillet end geometry on fatigue behaviour of welded joints
- Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials
- Influence of polyurea composite coating on selected mechanical properties of AISI 304 steel
- Mean stress effect and fatigue crack closure in material from old bridge erected in the late 19th century
- Mixed mode (I+II, I+III) fatigue crack growth description in S355/P355NL1 steel
- Mixed mode (I+II,I+III) fatigue crack growth rate description in P355NL1 and 18G2A steel using new energy parameter based on J-integral approach
- New method for modeling the topographical property of metals and its application in robot laser hardening with overlapping
- Nonlinear fatigue damage accumulation and life prediction of metals : a comparative study
- Reliability analysis based on hybrid algorithm of M5 model tree and Monte Carlo simulation for corroded pipelines: Case of study X60 Steel grade pipes
- Structural integrity assessment of wooden trusses strengthened with CFRP composite patches
- Badania statyczne i zmęczeniowe poliuretanowych elementów zawieszenia pojazdów mechanicznych
- Crack propagation under cyclic bending in welded specimens after heat treatment
- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in 42CrMo4 Steel
- Energy response of S355 and 41Cr4 steel during fatigue crack growth process
- Evaluation of fatigue design curves for a double-side welded connection used in Offshore applications
- Evaluation of mean stress effects based on artificial neural network applied to the high-cycle fatigue data of the P355NL1 steel
- Experimental and numerical investigation of mixed mode I + II and I + III fatigue crack growth in S355J0 steel
- Fatigue behaviour of AISI 304 steel strengthened with composite coating
- Fatigue crack growth behaviour in 42CrMo4 steel under different heat treatment conditions
- Fatigue crack growth in long term operated 19th/20th century steel members under mixed mode loading (I+II, I+III)
- Fatigue crack growth of 42CrMo4 and 41Cr4 steels under different heat treatment conditions
- Fatigue crack growth rate in CFRP reinforced constructional old steel
- Fatigue crack growth rate in PUR elastomers
- Fatigue fracture process of puddle iron
- Fatigue lifetime improvement of steel notched components using PUE coatings and CFRP patches
- Features of the microstructural and mechanical degradation of long term operated mild steel
- Improved manufacturing performance of a new antifriction composite parts based on copper
- Magnetic response during fatigue crack growth process
- Mathematical representation of fatigue crack growth models in steel using dimensional analysis – theory and experiment
- Mieszane sposoby (I+II) rozwoju pękania zmęczeniowego w stali P355NL1 I S355J0 w ujęciu geometrii fraktalnej
- Mixded mode fatigue crack growth assessment of the puddle iron from Eiffel Bridge
- Mixed mode (I+II) fatigue crack paths in S355J0 steel in terms of fractal geometry
- Mixed mode fatigue crack growth in rail steel
- Mixed mode fatigue crack paths in S355 steel in terms of fractal geometry and fractography analysis
- Mixed mode fracture of \"\"Engineered Stone\"\" composite materials
- Mixed mode fracture of composite materials \"\"Engineered Stone\"\"
- Modeling of microstructure and numerical homogenization of wood, OSB, fiber composite in the abaqus system
- Overview on the generalization of fatigue models accouting for different local damage parameters
- Pre-strain effects on mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation behaviour of the P355NL1 pressure vessels steel
- Probabilistic fatigue crack initiation and propagation fields using the strain energy density
- Recent developments on experimental techniques, fracture mechanics and fatigue approaches [editorial]
- Rozwój pęknięć zmęczeniowych w stali P355NL1 w warunkach wieloosiowego stanu wytężenia
- Structural integrity assessment of rigid polyurethane components using energy methods
- Structural reliability analysis of corroded pipeline made in X60 steel based on M5 model tree algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation
- Superkondensatorowa elektropulsacyjna metoda zwiększenia odporności zmęczeniowej wyrobów wykonanych z blachy austenitycznej
- The role of crack closure parameter in modelling of fatigue crack growth in terms of energy approach
- Wpływ obróbki cieplnej na rozwój pęknięć w próbkach spawanych przy zmiennym zginaniu
- A generalization of the fatigue Kohout-Věchet model for several fatigue damage parameters
- Analiza numeryczna procesu wzrostu pękania zmęczeniowego w konstrukcjach stalowych ze wzmocnieniem taśmami CFRP
- Analiza procesu pękania biomateriału typu peek
- Badania wytrzymałościowe kompozytowych elementów konstrukcyjnych stosowanych w budownictwie
- Badanie efektu wydłużania podkrytycznego okresu rozwoju pękania zmęczeniowego w stalowych elementach konstrukcyjnych wzmacnianych taśmami kompozytowymi
- Energy description of fatigue crack growth process - theoretical and experimental approach
- Experimental and numerical investigations of the S355 and 42CrMo4 steel cracked components in terms of the dynamic response and energy approach
- Fatigue crack growth damage monitoring in terms of energy dissipative processes
- Fatigue crack propagation prediction of a pressure vessel mild steel based on a strain energy density model
- Fatigue lifetime improvement in AISI 304 stainless steel due to high-density electropulsing
- Fatigue strength evaluation of resin-injected bolted connections using statistical analysis
- Fracture resistance analysis of PEEK-polymer
- Improvement of the fatigue crack growth resistance in long term operated steel strengthened with CFRP patches
- Kinetics of fatigue crack growth and crack closure effect in long term operating steel manufactured at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
- Mechanical characterization of ancient Portuguese riveted bridges steels
- Mixed mode (I+II) fatigue crack growth in puddle iron
- Mixed mode I/II/III fatigue crack growth in S355 steel
- Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of structural steels for fatigue design of wind towers
- Probabilistic fatigue S-N curves derivation for notched components
- Rola analizy fraktograficznej w ocenie przyczyn uszkodzenia elementów konstrukcyjnych i systemów napędowych
- Root causes analysis of differential pinion shaft assembly failure in WRX class car
- Rozwój pęknięć zmęczeniowych w stali S355JO pod wpływem wieloosiowych obciążeń
- Static failure load predictions in notched steel components using a combined experimental-numerical approach
- Statistical analysis of fatigue crack propagation data of materials from ancient portuguese metallic bridges
- Wpływ mikrostruktury na przebieg kinetyki pękania w stali 42CrMo4
- Zastosowanie metody punktowej oraz liniowej teorii krytycznych dystansów do wyznaczania odporności na pękanie stali z wykorzystaniem symulacji numerycznych i badań doświadczalnych
- Zastosowanie metody punktowej oraz liniowej teorii krytycznych dystansów do wyznaczania wytrzymałości elementów z karbem przy użyciu symulacji numerycznych i badań doświadczalnych
- Analiza numeryczna rozwoju pęknięć zmęczeniowych w połączeniach sworzniowych
- Analysis of fatigue crack growth in long term operating mild low carbon steel in terms of crack closure and energy approach
- Badania wytrzymałościowe elastomerów poliuretanowych stosowanych w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym z wykorzystaniem metod mechaniki pękania
- Description of fatigue crack growth in steel structural components using energy approach - influence of the microstructure on the FCGR
- Diagnostyczna rola badań korozyjnych w detekcji procesów degradacji mikrostruktur zachodzących w długotrwale eksploatowanych stalach konstrukcyjnych
- Fatigue crack growth behaviour of the 6082-T6 aluminium using CT specimens with distinct notches
- Fatigue crack propagation behavior of old puddle iron including crack closure effects
- Fatigue life response of P355NL1 steel under uniaxial loading using Kohout-Vĕchet model
- Mixed mode (I+II) fatigue crack growth of long term operating bridge steel
- Numerical estimation of stress intensity factors and crack propagation in lug connector with existing flaw
- Numerical estimation of stress intensity factors in lug connector with existing flaw
- On the differences in fracture resistance of polyurethane elastomers in terms of energy description
- Opis rozwoju pęknięć zmęczeniowych w stalach konstrukcyjnych z wykorzystaniem metod energetycznych - analiza wpływu mikrostruktury na przebieg kinetyki pękania
- Wykorzystanie hybrydowych metod obliczeniowych w szacowaniu trwałości zmęczeniowej i ocenie stopnia wyeksploatowania metalicznych materiałów konstrukcyjnych
- Applications of the FRP composite decks in bridges structures
- Badania wytrzymałościowe elementów konstrukcyjnych z materiałów kompozytowych stosowanych na pomosty mostowe
- Inicjacja wzrostu pęknięć w długotrwale eksploatowanych stalach mostowych z punktu widzenia metod energetycznych
- Kinetics of fatigue crack growth and crack paths in the old puddled steel after 100-years operating time
- Numerical investigation of the mixed mode fracture (I+II) in low carbon steel used in bridge engineering
- Obliczenia numeryczne podkrytycznego okresu rozwoju pękania zmęczeniowego w warunkach wieloosiowego wytężenia materiałów konstrukcyjnych
- Problematyka utrzymywania długotrwale eksploatowanych konstrukcji stalowych - badania odporności na pękanie stali zlewnej
- The influence of microstructural degradation processes on corrosion resistance of 19th puddled steel
- The mechanical properties and the microstructural degradation effect in an old low carbon steels after 100-years operating time
- Brittleness of the 19th century puddled steel - fractography analysis
- Corrosion degradation of old structures steels
- Fatigue properties and fatigue crack growth in puddled steel with consideration of microstructural degradation processes after 100-years operating time
- Kinetics of fatigue crack growth rate in 19th puddled steel - experimental investigation and modelling
- Model matematyczny rozwoju szczeliny zmęczeniowej w XIX-wiecznych stalach zgrzewnych
- Degradacja mechaniczna i strukturalna XIX-wiecznych stali zgrzewnych
- Komputerowe wspomaganie obliczeń podkrytycznego okresu rozwoju pękania zmęczeniowego
- Low cycle fatigue properties of puddled steel after 100 years operating time
- Mikrostrukturalne procesy degradacyjne zachodzące w XIX-wiecznych stalach zgrzewnych
- Ocena zmian mikrostrukturalnych i badania fraktograficzne fragmentów konstrukcji stalowej przepustu kolejowego po blisko 100-letnim okresie eksploatacyjnym
- Badania zmęczeniowe i kinetyka pęknięć w XIX-wiecznych stalach zgrzewnych w warunkach cyklicznego obciążenia
- Numeryczno-doświadczalna analiza zachowania się elementów konstrukcyjnych ze stali zgrzewnych w warunkach statycznych i cyklicznych obciążeń przy obecności procesów degradacji mikrostruktur
- Rozwój pęknięć zmęczeniowych w XIX-wiecznych elementach konstrukcyjnych wykonanych ze stali zgrzewnej
- Aspects of structural degradation in steels of old bridges by means of fatigue crack propagation
- Badania wytrzymałościowe XIX-wiecznych elementów konstrukcyjnych wykonanych ze stali zgrzewnych
- Investigation of old bridge steel :lifetime evaluation using fatigue fracture models
- Problem kruchości stali zgrzewnych w warunkach strukturalnej degradacji - badania statyczne, cykliczne i dynamiczne
- Rozwój pęknięć zmęczeniowych w stalach zgrzewnych - opis procesów degradacji mikrostruktur
- Aspects of structural degradation in old bridge steels by means of fatigue crack propagation resistance
- Degradacja mikrostruktur elementów konstrukcyjnych pochodzących z mostów wzniesionych na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
- Implementation of the bologna process at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Wrocław University of Technology
- Investigation of fatigue crack growth in puddled steel after 100-years operating time
- Modelowanie podkrytycznego rozwoju szczeliny zmęczeniowej w starych stalach konstrukcyjnych z użyciem programów FRANC2D/3D oraz AFGROW
- The individual program of study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Wroclaw University of Technology
- Wpływ procesów degradacji na udarność stali mostowych z przełomu XIX i XX w.
- Zastosowanie programów numerycznych do opisu kinetyki pękania zmęczeniowego w stali zgrzewnej z 1881 r.
- Algorithms for the estimation of fatigue crack growth using energy method
- Assessment of degrading processes progress in the old bridge steel in terms of fracture mechanics.Pt. 1,The investigation of possibilities
- Can we describe kinetics of fatigue crack growth without influence of R-ratio?
- Identification of degrading processes in the old bridges steel, manufactured at the end of 19th century - proposals of investigation methods using fatigue crack propagation model based on energy approach
- Lifetime evaluation of element with fatigue crack using equivalent surface method
- Metoda powierzchni ekwiwalentnych jako narzędzie wspomagające szacowanie czasu życia cyklicznie obciążonego elementu konstrukcyjnego zawierającego pęknięcie
- Monitorando la resistenza delle infrastrutture in acciaio
- Problems with estimation of fatigue crack propagation lifetime in old bridge steel
- Proces rozwoju szczeliny zmęczeniowej w stalach konstrukcyjnych - teoria, a modele eksperymentalne
- A new method of constructing the kinetic fatigue fracture diagrams - crack propagation equation based on energy approach
- Fatigue fracture models supported by experiment
- Influence of cycle asymmetry R on kinetic fatigue fracture in the models of fracture mechanics
- Influence of fracture resistance on fatigue crack propagations by means of energetic kinetic fatigue fracture diagrams
- New energy methods for description of fatigue crack propagation
- Problematyka oceny czasu życia elementu konstrukcyjnego zawierającego pęknięcie zmęczeniowe
- Procedure of lifetime estimation for the element with fatigue crack
- The problem of evaluating a lifetime of old steel structures under cyclic load
- Modele mechaniki pękania w aspekcie degradacji układów transportowych
- Supporting methods for experimental data fitting in crack propagation modelling