Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Organizing Activity
Paweł J. Zielonka
☎️ +48 71 320 xxxx
🏙️ 50-372 Wrocław, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
Damage characterisation of GFRP composites based on clustering acoustic emission events utilizing single-failure-cause tests as reference
Paper-based products as a building material for a small residential unit: Testing of the mechanical properties
Experimental characterization and modeling of cylindrical CFRP structures under quasi-static multiaxial loading conditions
Important aspects of fiber metal laminates modelling and experimental tests
Influence of mosaic patterns in filament-wound tubes on mechanical behaviour under axial compression loading
Mechanism failure analysis of unidirectional hybrid pultruded rebars under static and fatigue loading condition using acoustic emission
Pękanie interfejsu w laminatach metalowo-włóknistych: modelowanie numeryczne, emisja akustyczna i uczenie maszynowe
Ściskanie osiowe rur kompozytowych – modelowanie i badania z emisją akustyczną
Wykorzystanie pomiarów emisji akustycznej w badaniach struktur kompozytowych wytwarzanych metodą nawijania
A numerical approach to bond behavior of GFRP bars with concrete
Acoustic emission with machine learning in fracture of composites: preliminary study
Analytical predictions of bond behavior of FRP bars with concrete
Application of taguchi methods (DOE) in composite engineering
Badania ciśnieniowe średnioskalowych zbiorników kompozytowych z uchylną dennicą
Badanie porównawcze przyczepności betonu do wybranych prętów kompozytowych metodą pull-out
Bond behavior of hybrid helically wrapped FRP bars with concrete
Combined experimental–numerical mode I fracture characterization of the pultruded composite bars
Fatigue behavior of CFRP thin-walled tubes: an experimental study with damage analysis based on the acoustic signals
Fatigue behavior of composite rebars for concrete reinforcement based on experimental studies
Fatigue crack growth characterization of Inconel 718 after additive manufacturing by laser powder bed fusion and heat treatment
Flexural behavior of concrete structures reinforced with hybrid FRP bars
Identification of degradation in composite materials using machine learning algorithms and acoustic emission
Influence of CFRP patches on fatigue crack growth rate in old bridge steel
Investigation of flexural behaviour of composite rebars for concrete reinforcement with experimental, numerical and machine learning approaches
Metoda hamowania rozwoju pęknięć zmęczeniowych w zabytkowych stalach mostowych z wykorzystaniem taśm kompozytowych CFRP
Metody oceny wad kompozytowych elementów zbiornika wytwarzanych różnymi technikami
Możliwości identyfikacji zjawisk degradacyjnych w kompozytach z użyciem technik uczenia maszynowego i emisji akustycznej
Multiaxial fatigue of CFRP thin-walled tube - experimental and numerical analysis
Numeryczna i eksperymentalna analiza połączenia betonu i pręta kompozytowego w teście pull-out
Przygotowanie modelu uczenia maszynowego bazując na emisji akustycznej do identyfikacji przyczyn degradacji kompozytów
Stress relaxation behaviour modeling in rigid polyurethane (PU) elastomeric materials
Badania ciśnieniowe zbiorników kompozytowych z wykorzystaniem techniki światłowodowej i emisji akustycznej
Constitutive law identification and fatigue characterization of rigid PUR elastomers 80 ShA and 90 ShA
Constitutive law identification of PUR components using hybrid experimental-numerical approach
Damage evolution in pultruded composite bars using acoustice emission
Electric moto3 welded chassis-structural analysis and measurements
Experimental and numerical investigation of pull-out behavior of single basalt – fiber
Experimental quasi-static mechanical characterization of the thin-walled cylindrical CFRP structures
Experimental-numerical analysis of radial compression test of CFRP/GFRP composite rebars
Fatigue characterization of polyurethane elastomers
Fatigue crack growth characterization of additively manufactured IN625 and IN718 alloys
Flexural analysis of GFRP/BFRP composite hybrid bars
Flexural and compressive residual strength of composite bars subjected to harsh environments
Forma aktywna do pultruzji.
Fracture behaviour of the notched pur rigid polyurethane components - uniaxial vs. multiaxial loading
From hydrophore to hydrogen, diagnostics and tests of composite pressure vessels
Mechanical and corrosion performance of composite rebars subjected to a corrosive condition
Mechanical performance assessment of composite bars
Mechanical performance of structural rebars subjected to several mechanical tests
Numerical analysis of pultrusion process of GFRP composite rebar
Numerical analysis of the new design of CFRP/GFRP composite rebars subjected to bending loading
Ocena struktury materiału kompozytowego zbiornika z uchylną dennicą
Review of the mode I and mode II fracture behaviour of hybrid composite materials for composite rebars
The effect of a flame retardant on a mode I fracture toughness of epoxy resin
The effect of flame retardant—aluminum trihydroxide on mixed mode I/II fracture toughness of epoxy resin
Crack growth rate deceleration effect in constructional steel caused by artificial crack closure effect (ACCE)
Deceleration of fatigue crack growth rate in metals using various techniques – comparative analysis
Flexural pseudo-ductility effect in hybrid GFRP/CFRP bars under static loading conditions
Flexural strengthening of composite pultruded bars by means of additional filament-wound composite overwrap
Microstructural analysis and radial compression behaviour of GFRP/CFRP composite bars
Ocena uszkodzeń w laminacie metalowo-włóknistym na podstawie próby zginania z wykorzystaniem metody emisji akustycznej
Study of degradation mechanisms in composite materials used for concrete reinforcement
Comparison of the CFRP’s elasticity coefficients for sample made by vacuum forming and vacuum infusion
Optymalizacja subramy motocykla elektrycznego LEM Thunder wykonanej z kompozytu warstwowego
Analiza wyników badania eksperymentalnego kompozytowej subramy motocykla elektrycznego
Comparative analysis of the motorcycle subframe made of composite materials
Experimental and numerical analysis of motorcycle’s subframe made of composite materials