Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Organizing Activity
Rui Calçada
Generalized strain energy density-based fatigue indicator parameter
Fatigue crack growth modelling of Fão Bridge puddle iron under variable amplitude loading
A comparison between S-N Logistic and Kohout-Věchet formulations applied to the fatigue data of old metallic bridges materials
Fatigue crack growth in long term operated bridge metallic materials and strengthening solutions
Fatigue crack growth rate in long term operated 19th century puddle iron
Fatigue crack growth rate of the long term operated puddle iron from the Eiffel bridge
Fatigue damage analysis of offshore structures using hot- spot stress and notch strain approaches
Fatigue resistance curves for single and double shear riveted joints from old portuguese metallic bridges
Fractography study of the mixed mode fatigue crack growth process in pressure vessel P355NL1 steel
Influence of fillet end geometry on fatigue behaviour of welded joints
Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials
Evaluation of mean stress effects based on artificial neural network applied to the high-cycle fatigue data of the P355NL1 steel
Fatigue crack growth of 42CrMo4 and 41Cr4 steels under different heat treatment conditions
Fatigue fracture process of puddle iron
Mixded mode fatigue crack growth assessment of the puddle iron from Eiffel Bridge
Probabilistic fatigue crack initiation and propagation fields using the strain energy density
A generalization of the fatigue Kohout-Věchet model for several fatigue damage parameters
Mechanical characterization of ancient Portuguese riveted bridges steels