Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Research Group of Fatigue Fracture of Materials and Structures
Organizing Activity
Szymon Dziuba
☎️ +48 71 320 xxxx
🏙️ 50-372 WrocÅ‚aw, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
Analysis of selected advance damage models for fatigue accumulation in S690 and S960
Bainitic rails intended for highly-loaded tracks – the nature of fatigue cracking mechanisms in mixed mode loading conditions
Comparative study of FCGR in additively manufactured materials – IN625 and IN718
Comparison of fatigue crack propagation rates in high strength steel S460, S690 and S960 under stress ratio R = 0.1
Effect of pre-strain on fatigue crack growth rate for P355NL1 steel
Fatigue crack growth characterization of Inconel 718 after additive manufacturing by laser powder bed fusion and heat treatment
Fatigue crack propagation in structural steel S460 and S690 under stress ratio R = 0.1
Fatigue fracture characterization of AlSi7Mg0.6
Influence of CFRP patches on fatigue crack growth rate in old bridge steel
Wpływ medium retardacyjnego na przebieg procesu propagacji pękania metalowych elementów wytwarzanych metodami przyrostowymi
Analysis of the deceleration methods of fatigue crack growth rates under mode I loading type in pearlitic rail steel
Fatigue crack growth characterization of additively manufactured IN625 and IN718 alloys
Influence of built orientation on fatigue crack growth rate in additively manufactured inconel 718 alloy
Mean stress effect and fatigue crack growth rate description in aluminium alloys 1100 AND 1050
Microstructure and physical properties of nanocrystalline Fe75B10Si10Cr5 alloy